The special thing about this recipe is that it's so simple. Fresh asparagus with a little oil, salt, and pepper is cooked quickly over high heat on the...
Fast mix of frozen asparagus tips with water chestnuts and sweet red onions, sauteed in a light mixture of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Simple, yet...
Fast mix of frozen asparagus tips with water chestnuts and sweet red onions, sauteed in a light mixture of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Simple, yet...
A creamy, cheesy, tangy asparagus side dish that comes together quickly with the help of your multi-functional pressure cooker. This would go great with...
A very simple yet delicious way to wrap freshly cooked white asparagus in ham slices. You need as many ham slices as asparagus spears. This dish is traditionally...
This is a quick, easy way to saute asparagus. The dish has a light flavor and makes a great accompaniment to Italian meals. I make this year-round, but...
This is a quick, easy way to saute asparagus. The dish has a light flavor and makes a great accompaniment to Italian meals. I make this year-round, but...
Fast mix of frozen asparagus tips with water chestnuts and sweet red onions, sauteed in a light mixture of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Simple, yet...
My mom made this when I was a kid. My wife makes it for me often. It's easy and delicious. I am not a big fan of asparagus prepared any other way. I like...
My mom made this when I was a kid. My wife makes it for me often. It's easy and delicious. I am not a big fan of asparagus prepared any other way. I like...
This is a quick, easy way to saute asparagus. The dish has a light flavor and makes a great accompaniment to Italian meals. I make this year-round, but...
An easy spring side dish that doesn't mask the asparagus's unique flavor, and is done in just 3 easy steps. Top with feta cheese for extra tang, or use...
A divine side dish for almost any main dish. Asparagus sauteed in garlic butter, then finished off with a red wine and raisin sauce. Quick and easy (Isn't...
"Everything" bagel seasoning isn't just for bagels - it's also delicious on asparagus! Certain bagel seasoning brands are saltier than others, so hold...
A divine side dish for almost any main dish. Asparagus sauteed in garlic butter, then finished off with a red wine and raisin sauce. Quick and easy (Isn't...